ARTICLES: December 9, 2011
The Government's Smart Meters are Baaaack!!!

Below is a letter you will or have received from Xcel Energy or your energy provider asking you to place one of these so called 'Saver's Switch'(nice new PC name) energy usage monitor and Government control apparatus on your properties. Sound's real nice and innocent.. Something that not only saves but pays! Wow! Of course, eventually someone has to pay for it and all this will be passed though to utility users/customers.

BEWARE: This is merely the 'Camel's nose under the tent'! Wait 'till this is fully and innocently implemented throughout the Country.

As you may recall this was formerly known as the 'Smart Meter' , built and promoted by GE, Al Gore and Barack Obama as a energy solution and advocacy for Government monitoring and regulating your energy usage. You know, the Government always knows better than you.

You may also recall the great concerns about the government controlling, not only the delivery of energy but also penalizing users if they didn't comply with the Government's appointed regulation committee's standards and their ideas for your allowed energy usage.
You may additionally recall Barack Obama, et al, publicly stating that your energy costs are going to triple or quadruple to meet the Governments idea of their new clean energy future.

We beat this back with public outrage once before. However, it's now packaged in a nice new wrapper with cash.

You might want to call your State and Federal Representatives/Senators and command them to place this 'Big Brother' agenda where the Sun doesn't shine.

Tell all your friends about this too. Lon Opsahl


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