July 7, 2008
A Conservative's Presidential Inaugural Address.
In Tribute to America's Independence Day
by Ron Ewart, President
National Association of Rural Landowners
Copyright July 2, 2008- All Rights Reserved

"My fellow Americans. As your new president in the year of our Lord Two Thousand and Nine and in honor of those courageous Founders of America's great experiment with liberty, I hereby make this solemn pledge to each and everyone of you. Before all else I will serve in the best interests of the American people, not my party and I will be bound by the limits placed upon me by the Supreme Law of the Land, our Constitution. I swear on oath to preserve, protect and defend that constitution, as literally interpreted in accordance with the well defined intent of the Founding Fathers. I will protect American sovereignty by any and all means and will not succumb to the siren call of the one-world-order. I will issue an executive order to demand my entire cabinet to take the same oath and will immediately fire any cabinet member or an employee under any cabinet member, who is guilty of violating that oath.

For way too long government office holders and bureaucrats have purposely ignored their duty to defend our constitution and it is my pledge to you that every single official in my administration shall do so, under threat of immediate termination and the potential for fines and imprisonment.

As my first and foremost duty, I pledge to protect the American people from all enemies, foreign and domestic. To that end I will immediately issue an order to deploy sufficient American troops or the National Guard on our southern border to stop, once and for all, the influx of illegal aliens, drugs and terrorists. I will order the Immigration and Naturalization Service to implement strict measures to enforce current law by investigating and punishing employers who hire illegal aliens. I will issue an executive order to stop all federal benefits paid to illegal aliens.

Secondly, I will immediately request from all military commanders an assessment of American military readiness to fight two wars simultaneously and take whatever action, within the limits of my power as commander-in-chief, to re-enforce our military capability to meet that goal in the shortest possible time.

I will further issue an international public warning that any country that harbors terrorists, or any country that provides aid to terrorists, or any country from which a terrorist attack is perpetrated on sovereign American lands or military forces, will be considered an enemy of the United States and will be subject to severe sanctions, confiscation of all funds and nationalization of any property held in American institutions or on American soil and the distinct possibility of an all-out attack by the air, sea and land forces of the United States. That message will include the determination and dedicated policy to protect American sovereignty at whatever cost.

Should our military or civilian intelligence determine that a potential attack on American interests is imminent, I shall order our military commanders to draw up plans for an immediate military response, in defense of the American people by any and all means. We will no longer tolerate attacks on American people abroad and will take whatever actions are necessary to protect those Americans. If other countries do not like us, then they shall fear us. Whether they know it or not, history has proven beyond a doubt, that America is the shining light and the salvation of the entire planet.

The second thing I will do is issue an executive order declaring a national emergency and free up every known resource of oil, natural gas and coal for exploration and production. Within that order will be authorization to issue licenses for nuclear, coal and natural gas fired and hydro-electric power plants, coal-to-oil conversion and construction of oil refineries with a 10-year goal of total American energy independence in the shortest possible time. Also included will be the immediate cessation of all corn conversions to ethanol. To do less would be violating my constitutional duty to defend Americans against all enemies, foreign and domestic.

One other priority of my administration will be to withdraw all American financial support from the United Nations and request that they vacate their New York headquarters in no more than one year. We do not care where they go.

I further pledge, within the limits and scope of my constitutional powers, to uphold, promote and advocate the following basic principles of American freedom and liberty:

1. The rights of the "individual" are paramount and unalterable. All constitutional rights to the individual under my administration shall be jealously guarded, protected and defended.

2. The environment deserves protection but not over the bodies, jobs and well being of human beings. Plants and animals do not and should not have priority over people or property rights. Any "takings" for the benefit of the environment should be fully compensated by the government under the 5th Amendment and restricting the use of wetlands or existing water rights is a "taking", without question. And the practice of condemning property through eminent domain by any level of government for a higher economic use needs to be abolished as an abomination to our Constitution. Any federal acts, laws or restrictions that put the environment over the constitutional rights of American citizens shall be challenged by my administration by lawsuits brought before the highest court in the land.

3. Any adult person that has two arms, two legs and a reasonably functioning brain does not need help from the government. We only grow weaker as a nation when we subsidize the able bodied. Our monetary compassion should only be extended to those who truly cannot take care of themselves or who have suffered from natural disasters or acts of war. Our schools and colleges should contain curriculums that foster and promote individual independence, self-reliance and responsibility. Under my authority as president of the United States, I will abolish all agencies and cabinet positions that aid and abet this design to make and label Americans as "victims" and dependent on government.

4. No group, business, agriculture or otherwise should be subsidized by the government treasury. If a business cannot stand on its own, based on sound business principles, then it should fail. Stronger businesses should take their place. I will veto any legislation that offers funds from the public treasury for these purposes. I will abolish any federal agencies that have been constituted for that purpose, if it is within my power to do so.

5. The government, before anything else, must protect and defend the people from all enemies, foreign and domestic. It must do so by maintaining a strong, powerful military complex that cannot be defeated by any other nation on Earth. It must further, by all means available, protect our borders, keep track of all aliens and immediately deport those that would thwart our laws, including those that cross our borders illegally. To accomplish this, we must put our military on the border with orders to stop any and all illegal crossing of our borders by any means. Amnesty is an insult and an injustice to those who come to America legally. Rewarding lawbreakers makes a mockery out of the rule of law. And the INS (Immigration and Naturalization Service) must be completely overhauled and powerful deportation measures instituted. I will veto any Comprehensive Immigration Reform legislation that provides amnesty and push vigorously for enforcement of current law. .

6. Our government must begin a distinct policy of energy independence by whatever scientific and current technology means available, including drilling for oil on all of our sovereign lands until a higher technology can replace the products of crude oil, coal, natural gas, nuclear and hydro-electric as our most economic energy sources. Any other policy puts our very sovereignty at risk. Should the congress send me any legislation that deviates from this policy, I will veto it.

7. Any government program, including environmentally driven programs, that requires scientific evidence before implementation, must have at least a two-thirds majority of all private U. S. scientists (not government scientists or government-funded scientists) in that specific discipline, agreeing to the condition that requires the legislation, prior to implementation of that program or the spending of government funds. New information should be analyzed to see if changes to the program should be made. I will veto any legislation that does not meet these requirements.

8. All new and old laws will require a "sunset" provision with a full congressional review and public input before continuation after "sunset". This would include all laws that raise taxes. I will use my bully pulpit to raise public onion to put pressure on Congress to implement these provisions.

9. A significant portion of government time should be expended towards cleaning up old arcane laws. Conflicting laws should be deleted or codified to remove the conflicts. I will so order.

10. I will sign no treaty that conflicts with the U. S. Constitution. And I will order that any current treaty that does conflict with the constitution to be immediately repealed or re-drafted to remove the conflict before being re-ratified.

11. Again, I will use whatever means available to me under law to push for terms limits for all government office holders. No office holder should be allowed to remain in office longer than two terms, as is the limit on the President. Entrenchment is an enemy of a good and just government, where remaining in office becomes a greater priority, than service to country.

12. I shall order, under any legal presidential authority, that all criminals when sentenced should complete the full sentence. We should abolish the policy of plea bargains in almost every case. If we need more jails to accomplish this task then I shall order that they be built. A criminal, who is judged to be a threat to society by a panel of experts, after fulfilling their sentence, should not be released. My administration shall bring lawsuits against any agency that violates this policy, to the U. S. Supreme Court.

13. I believe that criminals who perpetrate violent crimes against children, women or the disabled for the 2nd offense, including murder, rape, sex crimes or kidnapping, should be incarcerated for life or executed, provided that the evidence against the perpetrator is overwhelming and incontrovertible. A civilized society cannot tolerate those that would prey on people who do not have the capacity to defend themselves. I will use whatever lawful mechanics within my power to effect these changes.

14. Taxation should be fair and equitable across the board,not indexed to how much an individual makes. The tax code should be drastically simplified and the government should quit using it for social experimentation. I will push for legislation to abolish the 16th Amendment, abolish the Internal Revenue Service and return to the constitutional limits of taxation.

15. I will order that all funding of all federal government programs (except the military) to be frozen at current levels for the length of my term in office, in order to assess where we really are fiscally and maybe catch up with revenues, or find out what are the real priorities. Waste, fraud, abuse and corruption will be investigated and perpetrators vigorously punished to send a strong message that these abuses will not be tolerated. The U. S. Congress has absolutely no understanding or respect for large numbers and consistently burden the American people with billions and trillions of future liability by overspending. I will veto any spending bill that in my determination represents congressional overspending.

16. I will further order that no federal funding or aid would be provided to any foreign country that does not change to a democratic form of government and will not allow us to audit where the funds are going. In addition, American agencies must be allowed to distribute the funds or aid, in every case so that it gets to those in need.

17. I will so order that the entire Veterans Administration office to be over hauled and new policies put in place with the funds to match. These new policies would create an absolute priority for treating our veterans and their families with respect, honor, dignity and the admiration that they deserve. These people gave their lives, mind and limbs in the service of our country, defending our cherished freedoms. The current VA programs are an egregious affront to these individuals and an abysmal travesty.

18. I will take whatever action within the limits of my authority to restrict the access of narrow-focus lobby groups in Washington DC. including the all-powerful environmental lobby. We should be a government of the "people", not special interest groups.

Many years ago, some ordinary men, with vision and the wisdom of age and experience, in a time of turmoil and confusion, gathered together on the distant shores of a new land and laid down a 'blue print' for free men and women with common purpose and resolve to live out their lives and govern their individual and collective affairs by adhering to that 'blue print'. The guidance of that 'blue print', through 160 years of significant change, allowed a free society to pioneer, grow and prosper into the strongest nation in all of recorded human history. In the mid 1930's a much heralded shift in the 'blue print' was made by a well-meaning, but not-so-wise group of people, responding to the perceived national threat of the Great Depression, forever altering that "blue print' to such an extent it would have filled the hearts and minds of its founders with loathing and disgust. The alteration was deceptively simple. Just pervert the phrase in the U. S. Constitution where it states '........ and promote the general welfare'. And promote they did. As anyone with any vision at all can see, their promotion has brought them years of immense power and signaled the beginnings of a drastic erosion of our individual freedoms and strength.

And what are the unintended consequences of their promotion? A great segment of our population have lost their pride, their dignity, their honor and their self-confidence to control their own lives. We have allowed our government in any form to heap heavier and heavier regulations upon us. We have done nothing while our government increased our taxes to a point that far surpasses the motivation behind the Boston Tea Party. In fact, at the time the Tea Party took place, it would have turned into open revolution had those same people been inflicted with the taxes we pay today.

In conclusion, this United States of America will not survive in the form envisioned by its founders if we do not return to establishing and promoting the basic concept that survival and prosperity lies in the inviablility of our constitution and the strength and knowledge of the individual, not weakness, not ignorance. She will not continue without a large infusion of the same kinds of people that created her. Strong, knowledgeable individuals will lead this country to continued greatness. Weak individuals will lay the seeds for decay and a potential overthrow by a stronger power. Without individual strength, without peace, without understanding and the sharing of true knowledge, we, as a free nation, shall surely perish. It is only a matter of time, unless we reverse the course of the last 80 to 100 years.

President Roosevelt, in his 1933 inaugural address said, ".. The only thing we have to fear is fear itself". I maintain that the only thing we have to fear is unbridled government. The only way unbridled government can exist is if we-the-people allow it. Unfortunately, for far too long, we have.

My fellow Americans, this great country was designed as a Constitutional Republic by those who pledged their lives, their fortunes and their sacred honor in its defense. I can do no less. Under my administration every action we take will be to advance America in this direction.

Thank you and God Bless America and her brave, creative and generous people."

Unfortunately, neither of our candidates running for president in 2008, would be able to deliver such an address.

NOTE: What we have included in the foregoing President's Inaugural Address are the 18 principles of the National Association of Rural Landowners. They are conservative principles and they are what the Founding Fathers designed for this great country, a Constitutional Republic. You will find these 18 principles on the NARLO website at: www.narlo.org/18principles.html.


Ron Ewart, President
A powerful non-profit organization, representing and defending the rights and
interests of the American rural landowner

Dedicated to restoriing, maintaining and defending private property rights
and returning this great land called America, to a Constitutional Republic.

P. O. Box 1031, Issaquah, WA  98027
425 222-4742 or 1 800 682-7848
(Fax No. 425 222-4743)
E-Mail: info@narlo.org

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P. O. Box 1031, Issaquah, WA  98027
425 222-4742 or 1 800 682-7848
(Fax No. 425 222-4743)
E-mail: info@narlo.org
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that you don't need or want any more.  We accept computer or office equipment of any kind, old books,
coins and stamp collections, cameras and binoculars, saleable art, hand or electric tools,  stereos, tv's,
radios, amateur radio equipment, IPODS, cell phones, microwave ovens, old 33, 45 or 75 RPM
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Send the item, UPS or Fed EX, pre-paid, to:  4451 308th Ave. S. E., Fall City, WA  98024.
or send it by U. S. Mail, pre-paid, to:  P. O. Box 813, Fall City, WA  98024.
Do you have a house, lot or land parcel that you aren't going to use or build on, anywhere in the
11 Western States.  Or a car, truck, boat, trailer, airplane, or an ORV, snowmobile or jet ski,
that is just sitting around.  We also willingly accept donated real estate or vehicles.


Good Neighbor Committee
P.O. Box 155 - La Salle, CO  80645

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