July 27, 2008
"They Paid Dearly For Their Apathy"
by Ron Ewart, President
National Association of Rural Landowners
Copyright July 21, 2008- All Rights Reserved

The evil vision and blind ambition of the man on the left
May have directly and indirectly caused the death of
Almost 100,000,000 people in World War II.
Why? The curse of human apathy!

The narcissistic ego of the man on the right
Introduced a socialist democracy to America
And a gutless Congress and Supreme Court, sanctioned his actions.
Why? The American people let them do it
Due to their combined weakness, apathy and indifference.

It is highly illuminating, if not wholly alarming, that one man was able to "sell" to a significant segment of the German people, his twisted vision of German pride. We find some parallels to our own American political evolution over the last 70 to 80 years. One of those parallels is the coincidence of the rise to power by Hitler and President Roosevelt (FDR) at precisely the same time, with some very similar economic and political events taking place in both countries. The Great Depression affected most of the world's economies. Many were going hungry and had nothing to lose to subscribe to a political philosophy that would fill their bellies, or their national fervor. Even though Hitler despised Karl Marx's socialism and vowed to eliminate it from the German culture, what he created was a socialist dictatorship. FDR did much the same thing, except that he created a socialist democracy that we live with today. Meanwhile, those that knew better in both countries, looked the other way.

Here are a few of the planks of the Nazi Party and its influence on the state, taken from the following link.
http://www2.dsu.nodak.edu/users/dmeier/Holocaust/hitler.html. Some of the similarities between these planks and what exists in America's political climate today, are very troubling. (Any emphasis is ours)

I. The State

The state is born out of the necessity of ordering the community of the Volk (people) in accordance with certain laws. Its characteristic attribute is power over every branch of the community. The state has the right to demand of every racial comrade [Volksgenosse] that he live according to the law. Whoever violates the laws of the state will be punished. The state has officials to execute its laws and regulations. The constitution of the state is the basis for its legislation. The state embodies power! In the state men of different opinions and different outlook can live beside each other. The state cannot demand that all men be of the same opinion. It can, however, demand that all men observe its laws.

II. The Party

In contrast to the state, the party is the community of men of like opinion. It is born out of the struggle for an ideology. In order to survive this struggle, it gathered together all men who were prepared to fight for this ideology. The ideology is the basis of the order in accordance with which men live within the party. While in the state laws are considered as pressure, obstacles, and difficulties by many citizens, the laws of the party are no burden but rather signify the will of the community. In the state the characteristic is the must; in the party the I will.

III. The Functions of the Party and the State

(a) It is conceivable that party and state are one and the same thing. This is the case when all racial comrades are converted to the ideology of the party and the laws of the state are the clear expression of the will of the ideology. Then the state becomes the great community of men of like opinion. This ideal situation will only seldom be attained in history. It is, in fact, only conceivable if this ideology is the only basis for the inner attitude and takes complete possession of the people....

(b) omitted...

(c) If the Volk (people) in all its branches is not impregnated by the party and its ideology, party and state must remain separated. The party will then be an order in which a select group of leaders and fighters is found. The ideology will be carried to the Volk by these fighters. The party shall prepare public opinion and public desire so that the spiritual condition of the Volk shall be in accord with the actual legislation of the state.

Therefore it does not suffice for the party to be an elite, a minority which is bound together in unity. The party has rather the task of accomplishing the political education and the political unification of the German Volk. It accordingly is charged also with the leadership of its associated organizations. In the course of this leadership the party fulfills its primary task: the ideological conquest of the German Volk and the creation of the "Organization of the Volk." The state is a technical instrument to assist in the creation of this community of the people. It is the instrument for the realization of the ideology. The party is, therefore, the primary which constantly refills dead material with life and the will to life....

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In America today, the ideological conquest of its people is being conducted in a similar manner. Socialism, radical environmentalism and multi-culturalism are being "sold" (propagandized) on the basis of "the common" or "the collective", without regard to the individual, or constitutional rights. Under this new paradigm, "the common" and "the collective" have a greater priority than the individual, or the foundation of our laws, the U. S. Constitution. (Hitler voided Germany's constitution when he took power) These ism's are being forced on the American people by government edict, constant repetition in the print and electronic news media and institutionalized in our entire educational system, for the sole purpose of control, enslavement and domination of the people. The man-caused global warming myth is an all-too-glaring example. Grossly negligent control of our borders and amnesty for illegal aliens are another. In furtherance of this process, the ism's (like the UN's Agenda 21) are being codified into American law by presidents and lawmakers who have taken on the mindset of protecting "the collective" from all dangers, real or perceived, at any cost to the people, or their individual rights. There is no free choice as granted by our Constitution, only the mandates of the "state".

The German and Japanese people paid dearly for their apathy, as did the rest of the world.

Meanwhile, today, Americans who should know better, are looking the other way, in abject apathy and indifference.

We have been and are at the crossroads of what the German people faced in early 1933. Will we allow history to repeat itself, or will we make a course correction before it is too late and another 100,000,000 people will have to die because the people who know, were looking the other way? WE THE PEOPLE of the United States of America can determine our future and the future peace of the world, if we have the will, the strength, the courage, the multitudes and the resources to defend constitutional freedom and liberty. Freedom has enemies, both foreign and domestic. If we shrink from the battle on either front, our enslavement, or worse, our annihilation, are all but assured. The rest of the world is looking to the free peoples of America to show the way. The question is, will we, or will we and the rest of the world pay dearly for America's collective apathy?

Our Founding Fathers knew full well what can happen to government over time. if the citizens aren't paying attention. They warned us repeatedly of the dangers. In fact, Thomas Jefferson said: "Experience hath shewn, that even under the best forms of government those entrusted with power have, in time, and by slow operations, perverted it into tyranny."

Later, in 1837, Daniel Webster said this: "...There is no nation on earth powerful enough to accomplish our overthrow. Our destruction, should it come at all, will be from another quarter. From the inattention of the people to the concerns of their government, from their carelessness and negligence. I must confess that I do apprehend some danger. I fear that they may place too implicit a confidence in their public servants, and fail properly to scrutinize their conduct; that in this way they may be made the dupes of designing men, and become the instruments of their own undoing."

Even with all these warnings, the predictions of these visionaries have come to pass and we will pay dearly for our apathy and indifference, unlesss .................... we make the necessary and gut wrenching sacrifices to restore freedom and liberty and return America to its designed destiny as a Constitutional Republic. There is still time.


Ron Ewart, President
A powerful non-profit organization, representing and defending the rights and
interests of the American rural landowner

Dedicated to restoriing, maintaining and defending private property rights
and returning this great land called America, to a Constitutional Republic.

P. O. Box 1031, Issaquah, WA  98027
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(Fax No. 425 222-4743)
E-Mail: info@narlo.org

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P.O. Box 155 - La Salle, CO  80645

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