ARTICLES: July 4, 2007

"Independence Day? Hardly!"
By Ron Ewart, President

National Association of Rural Landowners
© Copyright July 4, 2007 - All Rights Reserved


We are celebrating "what" Day?  Independence you say!  Independence from what?  Certainly not independence from government tyranny.  We have "tyranny" in spades from our own government, at all levels.  When our Founding Fathers wrote and signed the Declaration of Independence, it was a declaration of war against the tyranny of Great Britain.  It was a declaration of independence from excessive taxation, from harsh regulations, from no representation, from military rule.  The colonials had enough and declared war, with all of the tragic consequences that come from such a declaration.  They were willing to die for their freedom and their independence.
Not influenced or controlled by others in matters of opinion, conduct, etc.; thinking or acting for oneself: an independent thinker.

  1. Not subject to another's authority or jurisdiction; autonomous; free.
  2. Not influenced by the thought or action of others.
  3. Not dependent; not depending or contingent upon something else for existence; operation, etc.
  4. Not relying on another or others for aid or support.
  5. Declining others aid or support; refusing to be under obligation to others.
  6. Possessing a competency.
  7.  Expressive of a spirit of independence; self-confident; unconstrained.
    If July 4th is Independence Day, it is not the Independence that is defined in our English dictionary.   Freedom and independence means freedom of choice, freedom of movement, freedom of what to buy, freedom of what to wear, freedom of where to live, freedom of where to work, freedom to live on and use our land without undue government interference and our freedom to roam freely throughout America without having to go through check points and body searches.  We are constantly subjected to the authority and jurisdiction of government.  We are continuously being influenced by the dictates of government.  We can't move sideways without butting heads with an out-of-control, arrogant bureaucrat to get some permit or license.  Way to many of us are DEPENDENT on government for our very existence.  We are forever relying on government for aid and support.  We, as a culture, are no longer competent, self-sufficient, self-reliant and responsible.  Some of us are, but way too few.  We have been bought, sold and conquered with out a shot being fired.
    The truth is, America's government has gone way beyond what King George the III imposed upon the colonies.  The people of America have allowed themselves to be enslaved by this government and have given up their right to freedom, liberty and independence, because they were and are unwilling to defend their freedom and liberty with whatever it will take to maintain them.
    What we celebrate on the 4th of July is a myth and a dillusion called freedom.  We are not free.  We are not independent.  In fact, we are so controlled by government and we are so dependent on government, they have slapped invisible handcuffs on each of us and confiscated our right of free choice and our right to live on our land, unfettered by government interference. 
    Freedom, liberty, independence?  Hardly!  Will we wake up in time?  i sure hope so.

Ron Ewart, President

P. O. Box 1031, Issaquah, WA  98027
425 222-4742 or 1 800 682-7848
(Fax No. 425 222-4743)

The National Association of Rural Landowners (NARLO) is a non-profit corporation, duly licensed in the State of Washington.  It was formed in response to draconian land use ordinances that were passed by King County in Washington State (Seattle) in the late Fall of 2004, after vociferous opposition from rural landowners.  NARLO's mission is to begin the long process of restoring, preserving and protecting Constitutional property rights and returning this country to a Constitutional Republic.  Government has done a great job of dividing us up into little battle groups where we are essentially impotent at a national level.  We will change all that with the noisy voices and the vast wealth tied up in the land of the American rural landowner.  The land is our power, if we will just use that power, before we lose it.  We welcome donations and volunteers who believe as we do, that government abuses against rural landowners have gone on for far too long and a day of reckoning is at hand.  To learn more, visit our website at
President Roosevelt, in his 1933 inaugural address said, ".. The only thing we have to fear is fear itself".  I maintain that the only thing we have to fear is unbridled government.  The only way unbridled government can exist is if WE THE PEOPLE allow it.