ARTICLES: June 1, 2007

"We Hold These Truths To Be Self Evident"

By Ron Ewart, President
National Association of Rural Landowners -
© Copyright June 1, 2007 - All Rights Reserved

The first line in the second paragraph of the Declaration of Independence reads: "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness."   This cry for freedom 230 years ago had real meaning, but today it has little or no significance.  Most young people haven't a clue of the blood, sweat and tears that went into founding this once-free nation.
For most of my adult life (50+ years) I have watched in horror as freedom after freedom and right after right were stripped from the American people by government, egged on by the socialists and radical environmentalists that lobby government.  In freedom's place came restriction, laws, acts and ordinances along with permits and licenses for damn near everything.  We get government trying to merge us with other nations, to permanently install the one-world order.  We get government allowing our sovereignty to be trashed in the name of multiculturalism and open borders.  We get politicians who believe they are doing the "people's" business when in fact what they are doing is adding to the "people's" misery, increasing their taxes and taking away their freedoms.  We get government buying us all off with promises of free health care and free this and free that.  Well it "ain't" free my friends.  Freedom and the constitutional guarantees of 230 years ago are but an illusion and it is time that we recognized this truth as being self evident and do something about it.  The question is, will there be enough of us to make the difference?
Unfortunately, the Founding Fathers didn't count on future generations being led around by the nose by government.  They didn't count on independence, self reliance and individual responsibility becoming non-existent in our society.  They didn't count on apathy becoming ingrained in our culture, where only protecting our own little turf has significance and we don't care that we aren't free any more.  They didn't count on the American people being split up into little factions that lobby the government for every little handout they can get and then fight other little factions that might encroach upon their cherished territory.  They didn't count on the people being bought off by government with re-distribution of our combined wealth and now the recipients of the fruits of this country's production and labor won't bite the hand that feeds them.  It conjures up a picture of pigs jockeying for position at the pig trough. 

The Founding Fathers didn't count on a country becoming deeply divided, as we are today.  They didn't count on the spines of American men being turned into soft noodles of Italian linguini.  They certainly didn't count on courage being replaced by cowardice, but that is the self evident truth of America.  Only those that are placed in harms way are showing any signs of courage.
For the locals in Washington State, a colleague and I found evidence of County government criminal racketeering and we put days and days into researching and preparing a RICO racketeering criminal complaint to give to the U. S. Attorney and the FBI.  The FBI sat on our complaint for two full years and did nothing.  So we decided to release our evidence to the public.  Our response from the people and the media was almost total silence.  One man and a true friend, called to say that what we had done was brilliant and he wished others would be so brave.  The next day he called me to see if I was still all right and hadn't been picked up by the FEDS.  Thomas Jefferson was absolutely right when he said:  "When the people fear the government, there is tyranny.  When the government fears the people, there is liberty."   Today we have tyranny because the people now live in fear of their government.
These are the hard truths that have become self evident.  These are the truths that we in the freedom movement had better come to grips with and soon.  We have little or no money, the other side has billions.  We don't have enough people that care and are willing to cough up a little of their hard-earned dough and put in some time into saving freedom.  The other side has millions of little sheep that go along with everything the government and the socialists and the radical environmentalists want.  We have no political power.  We are a distinct minority, while the other side has the majority of votes.  In fact, the other side, our domestic enemy of freedom, holds all the political aces.
Now, do you get it? 
Until our side comes up with the money (in billions) and comes up with the people in the millions, we are losing, if we have not already lost.  In short, we are wasting our time unless we can come up with a mechanism that raises the money (in the billions) and catalyzes a large enough group of Americans (in the millions) that have finally woken up and have come face-to-face with these truths that have become so abundantly self evident to the rest of us.

When one of the vanguards of this freedom movement, one Henry Lamb of Freedom 21 told us three years ago that we would have trouble keeping the lights on, we should have believed him.  Because the self evident truth is, most people just don't give a damn.   But let it be known that we and others that stand on the doorstep of freeom will not insert our frail bodies in front of a row of government tanks all by ourselves, like the lone Chinaman in the picture below, to be run down and made martyrs, while most others hide in the shadows.  Dead martyrs are just that, dead martyrs and most don't even rate a line in a history book.  We have no intention of becoming a dead martyr, or run over by government if we cannot raise the billions of dollars and catalyze the millions of freedom fighters.  If you do not resist government from a position of strength, you will surely lose.  Many of us are trying to build that position of strength and we can't do it alone.
Ron Ewart, President

P. O. Box 1031, Issaquah, WA  98027
425 222-4742 or 1 800 682-7848
(Fax No. 425 222-4743)