July 14, 2014

My talk in Las Vegas

Paul Driessen, Danny Martinez, Roni Bell Sylvester, Lawrence Kogan


Many people asked if I could send them a copy of the talk I gave in Las Vegas. (It was the last talk of the final session, Panel 21.) I am more than happy to do so.

I know you will agree that Joe and Diane Bast and their amazing Heartland team put on a truly wonderful, masterful, exceptionally well organized conference. I am truly grateful to them for that and for inviting me to participate in it.

I also really appreciate the opportunity to spend time with you and so many other speakers and attendees. Greenpeace, the Obama crowd and the IPCC might try to dismiss the conference as “outside the mainstream” or otherwise “irrelevant.” But what we said and did in Las Vegas will definitely not stay there.

The information presented, friendships made and networking accomplished will reverberate far and wide … to the great betterment of science, public policy, America and the world.

Thank you for joining us there.

Best regards,
Paul Driessen
Senior policy analyst, Committee For A Constructive Tomorrow


Paul Driessen is senior policy analyst for the Committee For A Constructive Tomorrow (www.CFACT.org) and author of Eco-Imperialism: Green power - Black death.