The Whole Concept of Conservation Easements
Is A Fraud On The Public!
Comments by Lewis Anderson

On Sun, Jun 12, 2011 at 9:18 AM, Roni Bell Sylvester wrote:
May I post?
Thank you,

I continue to be patient and I do believe we will someday see the day that Conservation Easements are commonly understood to be the U.N. productivity-destroying fraud that they really are.

I often ask people if they have ever derived any benefit from a conservation easement. So far, nobody has, and they also agree that not one bug, butterfly, fox, bird, or any other sentient being has ever received any benefit.

The only ones who benefit are the greedy self-centered narcissists who get the Santa Claus money, and even that will benefit only one generation. Of course the U.N. advances its goal of taking land out of production and thereby destroying the economy of the U.S.A. As a third-world county, we will leave a much smaller 'carbon footprint'.)

Lewis A'


I don't mind if you post this. Any message to help people understand that the whole concept of Conservation Easements is a fraud on the public, is worth repeating. We always hear about the "bad apples" (folks who use C.E.'s just as they were designed to be used), but the news media will never check into the bigger picture. They never ask, "How bad would the countryside look if nobody had ever invented the C.E.?". Of course they would then discover that there has been no benefit whatsoever from C.E., except to the little fools who make their living in the C.E. world, and to the self-important "saints", who like to cash government checks and receive tax credits for contributing nothing to the good of the country.

I appreciate your work in trying to restore sanity concerning the importance of private property as the most essential element for individual liberty and freedom. If we are protected in our property rights, we can then protect ourselves; but without strong protection of private property, we are totally dependent on government to survive (which is just what the Socialists are working toward).

I always put quotes around the word "owner" when describing land which is under a C.E., because the "owner" is not free to make decisions as to how to use his or her land. That decision has been given to the managers of the C.E. or the local government, or has been thrown completely away so that no human being has any authority to change the rules laid out in the C.E. document for the next ten thousand years or so.

Lewis Anderson


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